Torah Online - Cyberspace Chabura of Online Torah

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Bamidbar - פרשת במדבר

1. Bamidbar: Finding Your Place in Klal Yisrael
by Rabbi Eli Mansour
Lecture is approx. 45 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Eli Mansour draws out lots of action and inspiration from this week's parsha. Hear about the twelve tribes, finding your place in society, the sons of Aaron, and ways to give simple, yet fundamental respect to your parents - which really pays off. His insights are delivered with energy and humor. Be prepared for a captivating session.

2. Bamidbar: Counting and the Rejection Syndrome
by Rabbi Aryeh Carmell
Lecture is approx. 45 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

3. Parshas Bamidbar - Haftorah
[Shabbos Drasha - 5763 - Parsha & Haftara Connections]
By Rabbi Zev Leff
Lecture is approx. 42 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

4. Bamidbar
by Rabbi Yissocher Frand of Yad Yechiel Foundation.
[Telephone 1- 410-358-0416 in USA]
Lecture is approx. 15 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

5. Being an Example to Our Peers
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 19 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player


The Predator that Might be in Your Childs Room

Click the link to view the lecture.

Mr. Philip Rosenthal - Controlling the Internet Before it Controls our Kids

Approximately: 1 hour in length [video]

Mr. Rosenthal is a police officer who works on tracking down sexual predators and putting them behind bars. He gave a lecture in a synogogue about sexual predators. He tells how he was on a sexual predator's case, and acted like a young girl of 14-15 and ended up with the guy behind bars. He tells us about myspace; about aol profiles; and what parents need to do with their kids, and not to use the computer with the internet, as a babysitter.

He tells us of the huge problem of "" and how some kids put their real information on that site and how it is a haven for predators. He tells of seminar that he gave to a number of Rabbis and wanted to bring the point home. He had found some information on myspace and blotted out all identifying information and handed out copies to the Rabbis, and after they looked at it, he said, that, that information contained inside, was a daughter of one of Rabbis who were present.

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Holiday (Yom Tov) of Shavuos

1. Shavuos: An Eventful Day at Mount Sinai
by Rabbi Avi Geller
Lecture is approx. 46 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Hop aboard the holiday train for a ride straight to the heart of the Jewish experience: the Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. You'll "see the voices" and "hear the sounds" in this lively, action-packed introduction to what Shavuos is all about.

2. Appreciating Shavuos
by Rabbi Noach Orlowek
Lecture is approx. 55 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

How does one reach a truly meaningful existence? What does the study of Torah have to do with a person's inner fulfillment? Rabbi Orlowek connects the holiday of Shavuos, which celebrates the Jewish people's acceptance of the Torah on Mount Sinai, with discovering your inner essence.

Accepting the Torah Morality
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 42 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

4. Each Jew Is A Guarantor
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 37 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

5. Receiving of the Torah on Shavuos
by Rabbi Yitzchok Berkovits
Lecture is approx. 50 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

The famous question asked is: why should we celebrate the receiving of the Torah if only 40 days after getting it, we worshipped the Golden Calf? In the process of eliminating this and other reasons why we didn't deserve the Torah, Rabbi Berkovits zeroes in on the prime reason God gave us this ultimate gift at that time. If you have time for only one class before Shavuos, this is your best bet.

6. Overview of the Five Books
by Rabbi Avi Geller
Lecture is approx. 61 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Geller has found a new spin for understanding the Torah. He doesn't call it a storybook or a history book, but rather a collection of 'elements' that are of 'prime interest' to God. In this single session whirlwind journey through all 5 Books of Moses hear how many different ways and levels the written Torah can be perceived. He's funny, engaging and answers key questions that many people always wonder about.

7. Ruth: The Magic of Chesed
by Rebbitzen Tziporah Heller
Lecture is approx. 55 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

The story of Ruth illustrates the high spiritual payoff of 'giving.' Hear the valuable rewards for welcoming guests, visiting the sick, planning a wedding and comforting mourners. Also discussed is how to cope with 'chesed burnout.'


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Behar/Bechukosai - פרשת בהר\בחקתי

1. Behar/ Bechukosai: How to Deal With Pain
by Rabbi Abba Wagensberg
Lecture is approx. 85 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

If you usually skip over parsha talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg! His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, often coming from a new vantage point.

In Relationships Taking Should Be For Giving
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 46 minutes
Click here to listen with Real Player


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Laws of the Sabbath #1 - הלכות שבת

1. The Beauty of Shabbat
by Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits
Lecture is approx. 51 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

How does refraining from work really bring us any closer to the higher purpose of Shabbos? Rabbi Berkovits differentiates between the spiritual reality of Shabbos and the other six days. In comparing the act of creation to building the tabernacle in the desert, hear how the reality of Shabbos, nature, and evil interact to make our ‘rest' on Shabbos a vital factor for world stability.

2. Sabbath: A Weekly Appraisal
by Rabbi Avi Geller
Lecture is approx. 48 Minutes
by Rabbi Avi Geller
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

The Sabbath - a special gift that God gave to the Jewish people - a day of rest, and a day for growing closer to God. It is a day to step back from our hectic lives, take a deep breath, and refocus on who we are and where we would like to see ourselves in the future.


Monday, May 15, 2006

When Rabbis Disagree

by Rabbi Ari Kahn
Lecture is approx. 40 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Does it make you uncomfortable when you hear about the many arguments Jewish scholars have? If they all agree there is one absolute truth, what could they possibly disagree on so intensely? Rabbi Kahn explores this controversial question and more to show us a new window for understanding the dynamic Jewish process of reaching the truth. A great talk.

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Emor - פרשת אמור

1. Parshat Acharei Mos/Kedoshim: Effective Rebuke
By Rabbi Eli Mansour
Lecture is approx. 82 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Avi Geller presents the five central books of Judaism with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each talk covers all the events of the weekly Torah portion, plus major commentaries and basic concepts and tenets of Judaism.

2. Emor: The Omer - Sanctification of Life
by Rabbi Aryeh Carmel
Lecture is approx. 51 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Aryeh Carmell adds new insight and a different perspective to the weekly parsha.

3. Self-Respect Allows for Respect of Others
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 34 minutes
Click here to listen with Real Player

4. Interpersonal Mitzvos
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 36 minutes
Click here to listen with Real Player


Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Pirkei Avos [Ethics of the Fathers] Chapter 3 - פרקי אבות - פרק ג

To listen to Chapter 3 of Pirkei Avos:

Rabbi Grossman's Mishnayis Shiurim

Pirkei Avos Chapters 3:
To Listen: Chapter 3 in MP3
Lecture is approx. 63 Minutes

With the Me'Am Loez Commentary - Pirkei Avos - Ethics of Our Fathers (Rabbi Zalman Manela):

Pirke_Avot_6.mp3 - 3rd Chapter begins at approx. 27 Minutes from the beginninng of the file - Mishnas 1-6

Pirke_Avot_7.mp3 - Mishnas 7-16

Click here to see Chapter 3 in English

Link here for sources for Chapter 2 of Ethics of the Fathers


Thursday, May 4, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Acharei Mos/Kedoshim - פרשת אחרי מות\קדושים

1. Parshat Acharei Mos/Kedoshim: Effective Rebuke
By Rabbi Eli Mansour
Lecture is approx. 44 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Why does the Torah command us to give rebuke to our fellow Jew (within limitations) when it is such a politically incorrect thing to do nowadays? What's wrong with people just working out their problems at their own pace? Rabbi Mansour explains in his very entertaining way what Jewish rebuke is based upon, and demonstrates creative ways for giving rebuke when the situation calls for it.

2. Kedoshim
by Rabbi Avi Geller
Lecture is approx. 76 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Avi Geller presents the five central books of Judaism with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each talk covers all the events of the weekly Torah portion, plus major commentaries and basic concepts and tenets of Judaism.


Jerusalem: The Eye of the Universe

by Rabbi Shalom Schwartz
Length of Lecture: Approx. 48 Minutes
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A discription of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Jerusalem. Why does it attract so much debate, conflict and conquest? At a wedding ceremony we break a glass under the canopy to keep in mind that the Holy City has not reached its completion. And Jerusalem is always on the lips of a Jew during prayer - asking for our nations speedy return. What makes this city so significant to so many people, and what is God's special relationship with Jerusalem that the world continues to fight over its promise of inner fulfillment and world peace?

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Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Zionism and the Arabs

by Dr. David Luchins
Length of Lecture: Approx. 94 Minutes
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A discription of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Here's an action-packed crash course on the historical, political and religious struggle for the land of Israel. Hear the pivotal events and background that constantly move this epic battle to the forefront of the world's attention. Dr Luchins, a political and historical expert, who served as senior advisor to the late Senator Patrick Moynahan, has provided most of the facts and data you'll need to help you reach your own educated conclusions in this seemingly endless saga.



by Rabbi David Ordan
Length of Lecture: Approx. 42 Minutes
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A discription of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Does Israel remind you of the eye of a tornado ­ with multiple layers of paradoxes and contradictions? And why does this tiny strip of land have such a magnetic pull on Jews? There happens to be a magic to this land that appeals to the adventurous at heart, whether to find yourself, your soul partner or those just looking for a colorful land with many interesting trails and tales.

This lecture was broadcasted in a room on PalTalk in the Judaism Section today, titled "Torah Classes - Jewish Music - and more".

Yom Ha'atzmaut

Yom Ha'atzmaut
by Rabbi Berel Wein
Length of lecture approx. 51 Minutes
taped by Ivan Norman on 5 Iyar , 5753
Click here to listen with Real Player

This lecture was broadcasted in a room on PalTalk in the Judaism Section today, titled "Torah Classes - Jewish Music - and more".

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Moses & Rabbi Akiva: Transmission of Oral Law

Moses & Rabbi Akiva: Transmission of Oral Law
by Rabbi Ari Kahn
Length of Lecture: Approx. 38 Minutes
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A discription of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Why do we have a written Torah and an Oral Torah? Did Moses receive both at Mount Sinai? Did he know that years later, there would be a man who knew more than he did? Find out for yourself about how the two men are connected. The question of why it is necessary to have both the written and oral law becomes quite clear.

This class was broadcasted in a room on PalTalk in the Judaism Section today, titled "Torah Classes - Jewish Music - and more".

Why Do We Learn Talmud?

Why Do We Learn Talmud?
Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg ZT"L
Length of Lecture: Approx. 50 Minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A discription of this class as found on Aish Audio:

In this talk, Rabbi Weinberg delineates the three basic tracks of Torah. He explains their interrelationship and how each complements the others. Focusing on the Mishnah and Gemara, he explains how pure thought and clear insight is attained by way of Talmud Bavli.

This class was broadcasted in a room on PalTalk in the Judaism Section today, titled "Torah Classes - Jewish Music - and more".

Pirkei Avos [Ethics of the Fathers] Chapter 2 - פרקי אבות - פרק ב

To listen to Chapter 2 of Pirkei Avos:

Rabbi Grossman's Mishnayis Shiurim

Pirkei Avos Chapters 2:
To Listen: Chapter 2 in MP3
Length of lecture for Chapter 2 is approx. the first 64 minutes

With the Me'Am Loez Commentary - Pirkei Avos - Ethics of Our Fathers (Rabbi Zalman Manela):

Pirke_Avot_3.mp3 - Chapter 2 - Mishna [ [after approx. the first 21 Minutes] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, part of 6
Pirke_Avot_4.mp3 - Chapter 2 - starts over with Mishna 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Pirke_Avot_5.mp3 - Chapter 2 - Continues with Mishna 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Pirke_Avot_6.mp3 - Chapter 2 - Mishna 18 to the end. [The first 27 minutes approx.]
[Note: Rabbi Manela says in the beginning that this is the 5th lecture, but this is the 6th shiur file]

Click here to see Chapter 2 in English

These lectures were broadcasted in a room on PalTalk in the Judaism Section today, titled "Torah Classes - Jewish Music - and more".

Link here for sources for Chapter 1 of Ethics of the Fathers


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