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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Holiday (Yom Tov) of Shavuos

1. Shavuos: An Eventful Day at Mount Sinai
by Rabbi Avi Geller
Lecture is approx. 46 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Hop aboard the holiday train for a ride straight to the heart of the Jewish experience: the Giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. You'll "see the voices" and "hear the sounds" in this lively, action-packed introduction to what Shavuos is all about.

2. Appreciating Shavuos
by Rabbi Noach Orlowek
Lecture is approx. 55 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

How does one reach a truly meaningful existence? What does the study of Torah have to do with a person's inner fulfillment? Rabbi Orlowek connects the holiday of Shavuos, which celebrates the Jewish people's acceptance of the Torah on Mount Sinai, with discovering your inner essence.

Accepting the Torah Morality
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 42 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

4. Each Jew Is A Guarantor
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 37 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

5. Receiving of the Torah on Shavuos
by Rabbi Yitzchok Berkovits
Lecture is approx. 50 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

The famous question asked is: why should we celebrate the receiving of the Torah if only 40 days after getting it, we worshipped the Golden Calf? In the process of eliminating this and other reasons why we didn't deserve the Torah, Rabbi Berkovits zeroes in on the prime reason God gave us this ultimate gift at that time. If you have time for only one class before Shavuos, this is your best bet.

6. Overview of the Five Books
by Rabbi Avi Geller
Lecture is approx. 61 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Geller has found a new spin for understanding the Torah. He doesn't call it a storybook or a history book, but rather a collection of 'elements' that are of 'prime interest' to God. In this single session whirlwind journey through all 5 Books of Moses hear how many different ways and levels the written Torah can be perceived. He's funny, engaging and answers key questions that many people always wonder about.

7. Ruth: The Magic of Chesed
by Rebbitzen Tziporah Heller
Lecture is approx. 55 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

The story of Ruth illustrates the high spiritual payoff of 'giving.' Hear the valuable rewards for welcoming guests, visiting the sick, planning a wedding and comforting mourners. Also discussed is how to cope with 'chesed burnout.'



  • lecture 6...

    I wish I could discuss this with that rabbi, but since I can't I'll comment it.

    He mentioned that there was no other animals than a pig, which has split hooves. This is not so correct. There are at least two other kind of animals that have. The peccary has split hooves and do not live in the area where the torah was given.

    He also mentioned the Ipuwer papyrus which according to him spoke about the 10 plagues. This papyrus only speaks about the 10 plagues if you twist and distort it in a dramatical way. You can actaullly go ahead and read it here:
    I think its a misunderstanding of it.

    Else I think the rabbi was funny to listen to, and woke me up from my sleep though it was 1.56 am... a very intersting way he has.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/28/2006 8:00 PM  

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