Torah Online - Cyberspace Chabura of Online Torah

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Ki Seitzei

1. Ki Seitzei: Judgment is Responsibility

by Rabbi Aryeh Carmell
Lecture is approx. 52 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on
Aish Audio:

Rabbi Aryeh Carmell adds new insight and a different perspective to the weekly parsha.

2. Ki Seitzei

by Rabbi Avi Geller
Lecture is approx. 81 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Avi Geller presents the five central books of Judaism with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each talk covers all the events of the weekly Torah portion, plus major commentaries and basic concepts and tenets of Judaism.

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Month of Elul and the High Holidays

1. Introducing Teshuva to Your Heart

by Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits
Lecture is approx. 55 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

How often do you update your aspirations and attitudes? Doing teshuva is not merely about changing actions, it entails modifying your essence. This class will show you how to begin the teshuva process - to convert your negative past into an invaluable growth opportunity.

2. Teshuva: To the Abyss and Back

by Rabbi Ari
Lecture is approx. 46 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

What does it take to get up from a fall? From years of bad memories, we usually dread even thinking about it. However, God took this into account by creating the antidote of 'teshuva' even before the world's creation was completed. From an amazing Talmudic story about Rabbi Elazar ben Dudai's encounter with a woman of ill repute, Rabbi Kahn shows how his subsequent repentance made him the classic example of a human being's ability to do all-encompassing teshuva - on the spot.

3. Practical Steps Toward Teshuva

by Rabbi Noach
Lecture is approx. 73 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

If you have decided you want to change, do you know what you hope to achieve? That's the first step in the right direction. With his deep understanding of human nature, Rabbi Orlowek paves the way for us to get back on track - and stay there. Hear what's needed to take those vital first step in your goal to clean up your act.

4. What Is Exciting About Teshuva?

by Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg ztl
Lecture is approx. 73 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Why is it that modern society has this fixation that all they undertake has to be exciting? Does just the thought of the laborious task of doing teshuva discourage you? Catch a few sparkling moments of genius from Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg - whose challenge to us for taking teshuva to heart may be the key for that important change in your life you've always been hoping for.

5. Rosh Hashanah: The Growth Process

by Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits
Length of lecture is approx. 80 minutes.

Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on
Aish Audio:

Many people overlook the fact that teshuva is more than just correcting your past offenses by saying ‘sorry.’ True teshuva implies changing who we are, and becoming who we want to be. Rabbi Berkovits is an expert life coach for tefillos (prayer) and avoda (service) and can make this Rosh Hashana an experience you won’t forget.

6. Rosh Hashanah: Open the Gates of Tears

by Leff, Rabbi Zev
Length of lecture is approx. 54 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Prayer and a river of tears are Divinely yearned for on Rosh Hashanah. So how are we to understand the statement that the gates of tears are never closed? Learn about this critical day that affects the outcome of your entire year.

7. Rosh Hashanah: Character Development

by Rabbi Noach Orlowek
Length of lecture is approx. 60 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

The two most crucial points to prepare for Rosh Hashanah are first to recognize what your top virtues are, and secondly, to realize how really important you are in this world. Learn how to zero in on your potential and self worth in order to appreciate exactly what your goals are for the big day.

8. Create Yourself Anew on Rosh Hashanah

by Rabbi Ezriel Tauber
Length of lecture is approx. 58 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

If we are products of a Creator, how can we in turn be the creators of our destiny? Come explore this topic to learn how it's possible to recreate your entire being on Rosh Hashanah.

9. Being in Love Means Always Having to Say That You're Sorry - The Month of Elul

by Rabbi Aron Tendler
Length of lecture is approx. 67 minutes.
(given at Yeshiva of Los Angeles on Sep. 8, 1996 24 Elul , 5756)
Click here to listen with Real Player

10. Elul - Setting the Pace for Yamin Noraim

by Rabbi Zev Leff
Length of lecture is approx. 61 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

11. Elul - How to finish off the Year

by Rabbi Zev Leff
Length of lecture is approx. 38 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

These lectures were broadcast in a room on PalTalk in the Judaisim section, titled "Fire of Torah".

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Eikev - פרשת עקב

1. Parashas Eikev

by Rabbi Grossman
Lecture is approx. 58 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

Rabbi Grossman is a Rebbe at Yeshiva Gedola of Los Angeles. Dozens listen to his parasha tapes in Los Angeles every week. Hebrew Background needed.

2. Parashas Eikev

by Rabbi Zalman Manella
Lecture is approx. 74 minutes
Click here to listen with Real Player

3. It makes so much sense, that I am not listening.

by Rabbi Michel Twerski
Lecture is approx. 19 minutes
Click here to listen with Real Player

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Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Lecture Series on Marriage

Presented here will, with the help of G-d, be an ongoing series of lectures on Marriage. Check back to this page often to see the lectures that have been added and updated.

1. Biblical Principles of Marriage

by Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits
Lecture is approx. 46 minutes.

Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

In a session given to a group of young married men about Shalom Bayis , Rabbi Berkovits discusses a few incidents that happened between our Matriarchs and Patriarchs which highlight a number of fundamental rules on marriage. How could Rebecca trick Isaac? Why did Jacob speak so harshly to Rachel? Can you learn to offer a non- judgmental alternative opinion when you feel your wife is wrong? Also learn when to step back when silence is the better part of valor? Hear an insightful and even humorous talk that examines how to use the Bible as a reliable guide for marriage.

2. Intimacy

by Rabbi Nachum Braverman
Lecture is approx. 30 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Modern Sleeping Beauties rarely achieve their 'happily ever after' relationship. Rabbi Braverman presents a new approach to finding real love, your soul mate, and a truly happy marriage. So ditch your preconceptions and hear a revolutionary answer to becoming as committed to your current, or future marriage partner, as you are to your own hands and legs.

3. Why not Intermarry

by Rabbi Ari Kahn
Lecture is approx. 45 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

It used to be unheard of to marry a non-Jew, but during the last decade this has drastically changed. Rabbi Kahn explores a number of complications that usually arise from intermarrying, and proceeds to describe the unseen pitfalls along the way that most people aren't aware of - until it's too late.

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Sunday, August 6, 2006

Pirkei Avos [Ethics of the Fathers] Chapter 4 - פרקי אבות - פרק ד

Chapter 4 of Pirkei Avos:

Rabbi Grossman's Mishnayis Shiurim

Pirkei Avos by Rabbi Grossman Chapter 4: Chapter 4 with Real Player

Lecture is approx. 58 Minutes

Click here to see Chapter 4 in English

Link here for sources for Chapter 3 of Ethics of the Fathers


Friday, August 4, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Va'eschanan - פרשת ואתחנן

1. Va'eschanan: Glued On God

by Rabbi Abba Wagensberg
Lecture is approx. 96 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

If you usually skip over parsha talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg! His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, often coming from a new vantage point.

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Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Update: Lectures for Tisha B'Av [3 Weeks]

Lectures #16-20 were added to the Lectures for - 17th of Tammuz - 3 Weeks - Tisha B'Av blog entry, today.

"Whoever mourns properly over Jerusalem will merit experiencing its rejoicing."

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