Torah Online - Cyberspace Chabura of Online Torah

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Update: Lectures for the 3 Weeks

Lecture #15 was added to the Lectures for - 17th of Tammuz - 3 Weeks - Tisha B'Av blog entry, today.

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Friday, July 28, 2006

Update: Lectures for the 3 Weeks

Lectures #10-14 were added to the Lectures for - 17th of Tammuz - 3 Weeks - Tisha B'Av blog entry today.

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Update: 4 Lectures Broadcast

1. Lecture #4 was added to the Parsha of the Week: Devarim - פרשת דברים blog entry.

2. Lectures #7-9 were added to the Lectures for - 17th of Tammuz - 3 Weeks - Tisha B'Av blog entry today.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Devarim - פרשת דברים

1. The Joy Mourning Jerusalem
by: by Rabbi Aryeh Carmell
Lecture is approx. 42 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Aryeh Carmell adds new insight and a different perspective to the weekly parsha.

2. Devarim
by Rabbi Ari Kahn
Lecture is approx. 49 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Ari Kahn probes issues and events within the weekly Torah portion. His unique insight adds an additional flavor to our familiar Bible stories. Drawing from midrashic and mystical sources, valuable lessons are brought to the surface from cryptic texts. His interesting perspective and inquisitive nature will open yet another door to your weekly parsha experience.

3. Devarim: Preserve His Dignity
by Rabbi Yerachmiel Milstein
Lecture is approx. 49 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

In his weekly Parsha talk, Rabbi Milstein learns from Moshe Rabbeinu how we can be more sensitive to the spiritual development of others. He itemizes the merits we need to speed up the final Beis Hamikdash, and describes how to improve our ability to show others the beauty of our rich heritage.

4. Parasha Devarim
by Rabbi Avi Geller
Source: - a very dynamic speaker from Aish Hatorah Call 1 800 VOICES3 to order tapes.
Lecture is approx. 49 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player.

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Sunday, July 23, 2006

Lectures for the 3 Weeks - Update

Three lectures [#4, 5 and 6] were added to the growing list.

To see the growing list of lectures for the Three Weeks, click here.

You can now receive these blog entries in your email. Click here to access the webpage to sign up, or enter your email address in the box at the top, right hand side, underneath the "About" and follow the directions from there.

Have a suggestion, comment, or a Rabbi that you would like to recommend? You can now post your comments on the blog and it will show up right away. Or you can send us your emails to:

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Mattos/Massei - פרשת מטות\מסעי

1. Mattos/Massei: Mitzvos at Whose Expense
by Rabbi Aryeh Carmell
Lecture is approx. 54 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Aryeh Carmell adds new insight and a different perspective to the weekly parsha.

2. Mattos/Massei: Quality Family Time
by Rabbi Ari Kahn
Lecture is approx. 42 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Ari Kahn probes issues and events within the weekly Torah portion. His unique insight adds an additional flavor to our familiar Bible stories. Drawing from midrashic and mystical sources, valuable lessons are brought to the surface from cryptic texts. His interesting perspective and inquisitive nature will open yet another door to your weekly parsha experience.

3. Mattos / Massei: What a Trip!
by Rabbi Abba Wagensberg
Lecture is approx. 93 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

The Torah painstakingly recounts every spot visited by the tribes on their 40 years travel through the desert. What can we possibly gain by this seemingly irrelevant repetition? Every encounter we face in life is fraught with challenge. Rabbi Wagnesberg’s dynamic talk explains how to unravel every journey we take and how to appreciate the inherent lesson for us to learn from.

Mattos / Massei
by Weisz, Rabbi Noson
Lecture is approx. 68 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Join Rabbi Noson Weisz as he explores deeper insights on the weekly parsha, with a philosophical and kabbalistic perspective culled from the Ramban. His straightforward and interesting style will help you relate to the parsha and bring the words to life before you on the page.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Lectures for - 17th of Tammuz - 3 Weeks - Tisha B'Av

Here's a growing list of lectures for this time period known as the "3 Weeks".

For online resources from Aish Hatorah click here.

See also Lectures by Rabbi Shlomo Brevda see Lecture #'s 3,4,5 for lectures on the 3 weeks, click here to access them.

1. 17th of Tammuz

by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 43 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

2. The Three Weeks
by HaRav Aaron Dovid Goldberg
taped on July 4, 1999
Click here to listen with Real Player

3. 17th of Tammuz: Why We Fast
by Rebbitzen Tziporah Heller
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Man's job is not to bring God down to our level, but to elevate ourselves to His. The 17th of Tammuz is intended to activate our potential for personal and collective growth. Rebbetzin Heller dramatically integrates the historical, personal, and national messages of this day into an appeal for taking stock of how well we are relating to our fellow Jews.

4. 17th of Tammuz: Personal Setbacks
by Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg ztl
Lecture is approx. 53 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Are we fasting about the destruction that happened 2,000 years ago, or on what is happening now? How immediate, relevant and responsible are we in reviewing the personal suffering we are involved with now? A brilliant talk.

5. Building the Third Beis Hamikdash

by Rabbi Ezriel Tauber
Lecture is approx. 81 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Tauber explains how the 17th of Tammuz, the 3 Weeks and Tisha B'av are a transition period for personal growth, and a valuable time for re-establishing our relationship with Hashem.

6. The 3 Weeks: Tolerance for Others & Ourselves
by Juravel, Mrs. Chana
Lecture is approx. 56 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rebbitzen Chana Juravel gives an inspired class on tolerating those who rub us the wrong way, and on us tolerating our own character faults. By putting a new spin on the global values of modern society, hear where and when tolerance needs to be applied. The Second Temple was destroyed due to Sinas Chinam (intolerance being a subdivision) making this a particularly pertinent class for the 3 weeks leading to Tisha B'av.

7. The temple and the Ninth of Av
by Rav Shimshon R. Weiss z'l from Aish Hatorah
Lecture is approx. 53 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

8. History of the Hatred that destroyed the Bais Hamikdash (Temple)
by Rabbi Irons
Lecture is approx. 89 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

9. Tisha b'Av - What we lost with the Temple
by Rabbi Union
[given onJuly 15, 1996 at the Jewish Learning Exchange of Los Angeles
taped by Ivan Norman. call in usa 1 323 857 0923 for information]

Lecture is approx. 52 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

10. Tisha b'AV - The Causes of Catastrophy
by Rabbi Union
[given on July 22, 1996 at the Jewish Learning Exchange of Los Angeles
taped by Ivan Norman. call in usa 1 323 857 0923 for information]

Lecture is approx. 58 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

11. Tisha b'Av - A Lack of Torah
by Rabbi Union
[given on July 18, 1994 at the Jewish Learning Exchange of Los Angeles
taped by Ivan Norman. call in usa 1 323 857 0923 for information]
Lecture is approx. 52 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

12. Klal Yisroel : Light unto the Nations
by Rabbi Abraham Blumenkrantz
[given on Tisha bav 5757 taped by S. Berl]
Lecture is approx. 61 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

13. When Jews are Brothers
by Rabbi Yakov Haber
[given on Tisha bav 5757 taped by Ivan Norman]
Lecture is approx. 41 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

14. The problem that won't go away - the suffering of the innocent
by Rabbi Joseph Gruenblatt
[given on Tisha bav 5757 taped by Ivan Norman]
Lecture is approx. 74 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

15. Keeping Strong When G-d Hides Himself From Us
by Rabbi Dishon
[given on Tisha b'Av 5757 taped by Ivan Norman]
Lecture is approx. 63 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

16. Love of Self , Love of Fellow Jew
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Rosh Yeshiva of Talmudic University of Miami Beach
[on July 25, 1996 tape by Ivan Norman]
Lecture is approx. 63 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

17. Learning how to love the Torah way
by Rabbi Meir Fulda
[of Yeshivas Rabenu Yitzchok Elchonon]
[on July 25, 1996 tape by Ivan Norman]
Lecture is approx. 54 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

18. Mourning with Joy - Is it Possible?
by Rabbi Noah Orlowek
[on July 25, 1996 tape by Ivan Norman]
Lecture is approx. 71 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

19. Mourning over the Hurban
by Rabbi Yosef Grossman
[taped by Ivan Norman given on July 12 ,1998]
Lecture is approx. 73 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

20. Megillas Eicha - Me'am Loez
by Rabbi Zalman Manela
Link here to access the MP3 files

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Pinchas - פרשת פינחס

1. Pinchas: Intolerance Wins the Peace Prize
by Rabbi Ari Kahn
Lecture is approx. 46 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Ari Kahn probes issues and events within the weekly Torah portion. His unique insight adds an additional flavor to our familiar Bible stories. Drawing from midrashic and mystical sources, valuable lessons are brought to the surface from cryptic texts. His interesting perspective and inquisitive nature will open yet another door to your weekly parsha experience.

2. Pinchas
by Weisz, Rabbi Noson
Lecture is approx. 66 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Join Rabbi Noson Weisz as he explores deeper insights on the weekly parsha, with a philosophical and kabbalistic perspective culled from the Ramban. His straightforward and interesting style will help you relate to the parsha and bring the words to life before you on the page.

3. Parshas Pinchas with Rashi
by Rabbi Zalman Manela
Lecture is approx. 79 minutes.
Click here to listen in MP3 format

4. Land of Israel, The Maid Servant Of Israel
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 42 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

5. Measure For Measure Maintaining Relationships
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 47 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player

6. Sinas Chinam [Baseless Hatred], It's Basis
by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
Lecture is approx. 43 minutes.
Click here to listen with Real Player


Monday, July 3, 2006

Pirkei Avos [Ethics of the Fathers] Chapter 4 - פרקי אבות - פרק ד

Click here to see Chapter 4 in English

Click here to listen to Chapter 4 of Pirkei Avos by Rabbi Grossman of

Length of lecture is approx. 59 minutes

Link here for sources for Chapter 3 of Ethics of the Fathers


Sunday, July 2, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Chukas/Balak - פרשת חקת/בלק

1. Chukas
by Rabbi Avi Geller
Lecture is approx. 60 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Avi Geller presents the five central books of Judaism with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each talk covers all the events of the weekly Torah portion, plus major commentaries and basic concepts and tenets of Judaism.

2. Chukas/Balak : The Hidden Reasons
by Rabbi Yerachmiel Milstein
Lecture is approx. 37 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Some Divine decrees were given, but how come reasons were not given for the rational mitzvot? Are we really expected to do things we don't understand? Hear an interesting discussion on this thorny issue plus other insights from the weekly parsha - such as when the wandering Jews encountered the greatest non-Jewish prophet, Bilaam, and his multiple attempts to curse them in the desert.

3. Chukas: The Empowering Paradox
by Rabbi Abba Wagensberg
Lecture is approx. 85 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

If you usually skip over parsha talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg! His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, often coming from a new vantage point.

4. Balak
by Rabbi Avi Geller
Lecture is approx. 73 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Avi Geller presents the five central books of Judaism with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each talk covers all the events of the weekly Torah portion, plus major commentaries and basic concepts and tenets of Judaism.

5. Balak
by Rabbi Ari Kahn
Lecture is approx. 44 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A description of this class as found on Aish Audio:

Rabbi Ari Kahn probes issues and events within the weekly Torah portion. His unique insight adds an additional flavor to our familiar Bible stories. Drawing from midrashic and mystical sources, valuable lessons are brought to the surface from cryptic texts. His interesting perspective and inquisitive nature will open yet another door to your weekly parsha experience.


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