Torah Classes in audio or video on Sefiras HaOmer and Lag BaOmer
Here is a growing list of online Shiurim (Torah Classes) on the Period of Sefiras HaOmer (49 Days between 2nd day of Pesach and Shavuos); Lag BaOmer (33rd day of the counting of the Omer), that will be updated as more are found. Comments are welcomed, especially if you have a listing, or a suggestion for a shiur from these lists that you would like to recommend, and they will be added to this growing list.
Sefiras HaOmer and the Mitzva of Loving our Neighbors as Ourselves - Approx. 27 Minutes
The Omer: A Time for Appreciation by Rabbi Leib KelemenApprox. 46 Minutes
"Rabbi Kelemen's fresh perspective on the Exodus, the Omer, and the acceptance of the Torah ties together living in Eretz Yisrael, the deaths of Rabbi Akiva's students, and the korbon Omer. Rabbi Kelemen shows how Sefiras HaOmer is really about having HaKaras HaTov, and teaches an important lesson applicable all year round - the three essential steps of being frum."
The Omer and Consistency by Rabbi Zev Leff - Approx. 47 Minutes
"The seven weeks we count the Omer prepares us for Kabbalas HaTorah on Shavuos. Not only the seven weeks, but also each and every day has a built-in opportunity to define, and refine our personality. Rabbi Leff offers concrete suggestions for developing more consistency in our lives."
Lag B'Omer: Understanding the Oral Law by Rabbi Noach Orlowek - Approx. 70 Minutes
"Lag B'Omer is the holiday commemorating the oral Torah. It is the designated day for asking for more success in your learning. The lives of Aaron HaCohen and Rabbi Akiva, pillars of the oral Torah, are discussed to demonstrate the value of reaching for this on Lag B'Omer."
Sefiras HaOmer and the Mitzva of Loving our Neighbors as Ourselves - Approx. 27 Minutes
The Omer: A Time for Appreciation by Rabbi Leib KelemenApprox. 46 Minutes
"Rabbi Kelemen's fresh perspective on the Exodus, the Omer, and the acceptance of the Torah ties together living in Eretz Yisrael, the deaths of Rabbi Akiva's students, and the korbon Omer. Rabbi Kelemen shows how Sefiras HaOmer is really about having HaKaras HaTov, and teaches an important lesson applicable all year round - the three essential steps of being frum."
The Omer and Consistency by Rabbi Zev Leff - Approx. 47 Minutes
"The seven weeks we count the Omer prepares us for Kabbalas HaTorah on Shavuos. Not only the seven weeks, but also each and every day has a built-in opportunity to define, and refine our personality. Rabbi Leff offers concrete suggestions for developing more consistency in our lives."
Lag B'Omer: Understanding the Oral Law by Rabbi Noach Orlowek - Approx. 70 Minutes
"Lag B'Omer is the holiday commemorating the oral Torah. It is the designated day for asking for more success in your learning. The lives of Aaron HaCohen and Rabbi Akiva, pillars of the oral Torah, are discussed to demonstrate the value of reaching for this on Lag B'Omer."
Labels: Aish Hatorah, Rabbi Leib Kelemen, Rabbi Noach Orlowek, Rabbi Zev Leff, Sefiras Ha'Omer
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