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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Parsha of the Week: Tazria/Metzora - פרשת תזריע\מצורע

Parsha of the Week: Tazria/Metzora
by Geller, Rabbi Avi

Lecture is approx. 88 minutes.
Click here to listen with Windows Media Player

A discription of this class as found on Aish Audio

Rabbi Avi Geller presents the five central books of Judaism with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each talk covers all the events of the weekly Torah portion, plus major commentaries and basic concepts and tenets of Judaism.

Another lecture that is related to this weeks parsha, as it relates to the Laws of Loshon Hara:

The Power of Speech by Rabbi Mendel Kessin


  • I would just like to thank you Hakol, for inviting me to listen to the messages, and for sharing them with me. I greatly appreciate all that you are doing to help me have a better understanding of Torah.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5/02/2006 11:22 AM  

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